Sponsorship Request

Sponsorship Request

Max 0/250 Characters

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Trade License

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Note that the maximum size allowed for each attachment is 2MB. Formats allowed: jpg, png, bmp, pdf.

Letter of Sponsorship Request

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File not uploaded due to Maximum file size exceeded

Note that the maximum size allowed for each attachment is 2MB. Formats allowed: jpg, png, bmp, pdf.

Note: Letter should be addressed to His Excellency MD&CEO
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Note: Please enter 'N/A' incase no information is available.

Note: Please enter 'N/A' incase no information is available.

Note: Please enter 'N/A' incase no information is available.

Note: Please enter 'N/A' incase no information is available.

Max 0/1500 Characters

Sponsor Package Request (Kindly attach rest of the packages available)

Invalid file format

File not uploaded due to Maximum file size exceeded

Note that the maximum size allowed for each attachment is 2MB. Formats allowed: jpg, png, bmp, pdf.

Max 0/250 Characters

DEWA Sponsorship Benefits
Supporting Event Document (e.g. Sponsorship packages, event presentation, proposal, floor plan etc.)

Invalid file format

File not uploaded due to Maximum file size exceeded

Note that the maximum size allowed for each attachment is 2MB. Formats allowed: jpg, png, bmp, pdf.
