Encouraging Innovation

Encouraging Innovation

Encouraging Innovation in DEWA

Encouraging POD Innovation in DEWA

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) adopts a clear strategy that is carefully studied to empower People of Determination, as a socially-responsible organisation that includes People of Determination. This supports the National Policy for Empowering POD. DEWA always launches initiatives and programmes to encourage innovation of DEWA’s POD employees and customers. This is part of its efforts to make Dubai the happiest city in the world. The happiness of Dewa employees of determination score was 100% in 2023. DEWA continues its intensive efforts to increase their happiness and satisfaction and encourage their innovations.


Sponsoring the innovations of employees of determination

Sponsoring the innovations of employees of determination

Information about the creative employee Creativity details
Name Ahmed Mohammed Noor Al Hashemi Ahmed is talented in Origami, the Japanese art of folding paper to design unique pieces of art in a beautiful and exquisite manner.
Ahmed has always loved arts and used it to kill his spare time. His talent soon developed to an advanced level with his hard work and practice.
He now creates outstanding pieces that impress everybody.
Ahmed Mohammed Noor Al Hashemi
Job title Senior Officer - Admin
Name Fatima Obaid Khamis Al Suwaidi Fatima Al Suwaidi was distinguished from an early age by her unique talent, skills, and imagination that contributed to her success in creating stories for children. Al Suwaidi joined DEWA, which contributed to enriching her talents in recitation and writing. Al Suwaidi also showed passion for volunteer work that stems mainly from her humanitarian spirit to provide a helping hand to others in need. Her writing talent was discovered at one of DEWA’s internal activities. Thanks to praise and encouragement she received, Al Suwaidi decided to publish her first story entitled "Union Day". She looks forward to nurturing her talents in the future in writing and literature. Fatima Al Suwaidi
Job title Senior Executive – Connecting distribution networks
Name Iman Abdullah Al Mehairi  

Iman has been working at DEWA’s Innovation and the Future division since 2012. She has more than 10 years of experience in digital media content. Her qualitative experience has kept pace with the division and DEWA’s milestones and has contributed to achieving several successes.

Her visual impairment did not hinder her work progress and talent in writing, which was nurtured by reading, expanding her knowledge with constant support from relatives and co-workers. She started publishing articles in 2018 with Al Bayan newspaper.

Her articles cover national and social issues in a positive way in terms of presentation and problem solving with an optimistic spirit that combines simple vocabulary with deep meanings. She has been covering several important issues and events such as Emiratisation, the Hope Probe, Year of the 50th, COVID-19 pandemic, the UAE National Day, education, and government services. She also published more than 300 articles in the “Ghaf” supplement during Expo 2020 Dubai. The articles focused on pressing challenges in energy, sustainability, mobility, and the digital transformation.

Iman published recently her book Lam Tara “in English She has not Seen”. The book is the first digital book at DEWA. It includes selective articles that were published in Al Bayan newspaper, besides her life experience.

Al Muhairi has several different memberships in DEWA. She is the Chair of the Technical Committee for People of Determination, a member of the Supreme Advisory Council for People of Determination in DEWA, a member of the Digital Services and Channels Development Committee, and a member of the Empowering People of Determination Committee. Moreover, Iman served as an ambassador for the Happiness Café initiative in 2017.

Job title Sr Exec - I&TF Comm Mgmt
Name Waleed Rostom Al Balushi Waleed is a DEWA employee in the Business Support and Human Resources division since 2010. He received an educational scholarship to pursue a Human Resources diploma. Waleed lost his vision because of a genetic disease, but his family’s continuous support helped him overcome challenges and difficulties.
“DEWA attaches great importance to People of Determination. There are several committees at DEWA that protect our rights and engages us in different activities to integrate us at work and in society,” said Waleed.
Waleed loves adventures and is one of the outstanding athletes of determination in the UAE. He has a track record of achievements and awards in Goalball and Table Tennis.
Job title Sr Telephone Operator
Name Ahmed Adam AlRaeesi

Ahmed Al Raeesi graduated from DEWA Academy and joined DEWA in 2016 as a technician in the Distribution Power Division.

Ahmed is an active member of the Patient Support Group at Amana Healthcare in Abu Dhabi. He has become a social media influencer and conducted interviews with inspirational People of Determination to motivate People of Determination in the UAE

Ahmed Al Raeesi
Job title Sr Technician

Name Hamad Khalid Obaid Salim AlSuwaidi  

Hamad Al Suwaidi presents up-to-date modern and smart designs in his projects to serve DEWA and keep pace with government trends, as well as meet the requirements of the concerned divisions/departments. Al Suwaidi plays a vital and effective role throughout the project implementation cycle, starting from preparing, designing, and planning projects using the latest technologies and various programmes, to handing them over to the relevant parties. Some of the most prominent projects he has participated in include the Happiness Councils, the foyer and theatre of Al Awir Hall in DEWA’s building in Al Ruwayyah, designing Suqia UAE’s office, and other distinguished projects.

In addition to his main job, Al Suwaidi performs additional creative work that aims to support and highlight the creativity of Employees of Determination in various fields. This includes his participation in the “Innovations of People of Determination” project. Details of the project’s completion were circulated via internal channels and email to all DEWA’s staff, in cooperation with Strategy and Government Communication at DEWA. Many have expressed their admiration for his work, including graphic designers at DEWA.

Hamad Khalid Obaid Salim AlSuwaidiHamad Khalid Obaid Salim AlSuwaidi
Job title Sr Engr - Mech Maint

Name Marwan Mohammad Hassan Al Haj

Marwan joined DEWA in 2007 and is currently working in Transmission Power. He was selected by HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, as a Dubai Expo 2020 ambassador to work at Dubai Expo in hospitality. He also had the honour of selecting unique names for Expo 2020 DEWA substations, which are “Sustainability, Mobility and Opportunity”.

Marwan has other achievements including DEWA’s commissioning of more than 124 substations in one and half years. This qualified him to win the award of Special Projects category in (Nujoom DEWA). He also participated in closing more than 2,000 technical points with contractors to ensure the high performance of installed security equipment at DEWA substations. Marwan is in charge of the Commissioning & Maintenance Unit for more than 270 transmission substations in in OTS Department.

Also, he is leading and supervising the Commissioning & Maintenance Unit in OTS Department in DEWA. DEWA provided him with a scholarship for higher education to get his Master’s degree in Innovation and Change Management from Hamadan Bin Mohamed Smart University.

Marwan also holds an international accreditation certificate in the international standard “Projects in Controlled Environment 2”.

Marwan has many internal contributions. He is responsible for presenting the programme “Supporting the Integration and Empowerment of People of Determination in the Work Environment”, where he explains the process of his work at DEWA and his most prominent achievements. He also plays a vital role in encouraging team members to implement innovative suggestions, learn new skills, and apply for awards. He also works with his team to hold internal workshops, to share knowledge and raise awareness about repairing sensitive equipment.

Marwan Mohammad Hassan Al HajEngineer - Mechanical Maintenance
Job title Mgr - OT Security Monitoring & Analysis

DEWA’s Employees of Determination participation in DEWA’s innovation activities

DEWA’s Employees of Determination participation in DEWA’s innovation activities

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) includes people of determination in its innovation activities such as the Innovation Week; the Water, Energy, Technology and Environment Exhibition (WETEX) and Dubai Solar Show; and activities that aim to unleash their potential and creativity. This helps to positively include and empower people of determination at work and in society, as capable and creative individuals.

Encouraging Innovation 1""Encouraging" 2""Encouraging" 3""Encouraging" 4""Encouraging" 5""Encouraging"

Sponsoring the innovations of DEWA’s Academy Students for including people of determination

Sponsoring innovations by DEWA Academy Students for including people of determination

In accordance with Government of Dubai strategy for inclusive learning, DEWA adopts inclusive learning policies

For more information, please visit:

Dewa Inclusive Education Policy

General Rules for the Provision of Special Education Programs and Services (Public &Private Schools)

Dubai Inclusive Education Policy Framework

DEWA Academy has adopted several People of Determination students over the years throughout all their educational stages until graduation and work. This achieves DEWA’s strategy of safe transition from inclusive learning to inclusive employment.

SMART Wheel Chair
Technology offers solutions to pressing challenges in society. Using the technical skills they acquired during their studies at DEWA Academy, the students thought of helping People of Determination, and designed the "SMART WHEELCHAIR," smart chair for People of Determination that they can control using a tool or by head movement.


The SMART WHEELCHAIR project aims to improve the normal wheelchair using Arduino to transport individuals easily from one place to another. This wheelchair suits those who can move their hands or heads. If legs cannot be moved, this chair can be controlled by a tool or head movement.  

    1- Ahmed Mohammed Awadh Ali Al Mehairi

    2- Hamad Ibrahim bin Hindi

    3- Saeed Fahd AbdulQader Ahmed Al Hajeri

    4- Khalid Sheikh Mubarak Khamis Al Falasi

    5- Khalifa Badr Salem Saeed Al Alawi

    6- Mayed Waleed Mohammed Abdullah Al Ali

SMART Wheel Chair
SMART Wheel Chair
Smart TAG
Success Story How the invention of the ‘Smart Tag’ device for the care of people of determination and patients in intensive care rooms came about.


Students of the twelfth grade at Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) Academy, with a sense of social responsibility and with efforts to relieve patients of determination regarding the difficulties they may encounter while in hospitals, were able to invent the Smart Tag device to help them and other bed patients who are unable to move.

The smart tag facilitates the process of communicating remotely with the nurses and doctors on duty in the hospital, and to send request help and express some of their needs with simple movements they make through a device installed on the patient's hand such as a smart watch.

The idea of the project started during the Covid-19 pandemic, after the increasing number of patients and less staff for direct care of the patient and their preoccupation with a large number of them. It became necessary to search for solutions that help speed and ease the process of communication between patients and nurses or doctors on duty.

The device is characterised by ease of use, effectiveness, low cost of equipment and maintenance, and its suitability for different ages and categories of patients, especially people of determination or patients who are unable to move.

Through this project, the students of the Academy were able to prove their ability to achieve excellence and excellence and to be the best representatives of DEWA, which in turn, provides them with all support to achieve creativity and innovation for the benefit of their country and progress.

SMART Wheel Chair SMART Wheel Chair SMART Wheel Chair

Smart Eyeglasses

Target: To assist People of Determination with visual impairment

Purpose: The student Hamdan Ahmed Zainal in Grade 12MT has a graduation project of a smart eyeglasses that has a camera captures the required English text for reading and turn it into an audio to accommodate the reading skills for People of Determination with visual impairment (find below a video).

Outcomes: The smart eyeglasses replace reading to listening of the required English text to promote People of Determination independence.

Sponsoring innovation in rehabilitation centers for people of determination

Sponsoring innovation in rehabilitation centers for people of determination

DEWA launched DEWA’s Innovation Centre at the Dubai Rehabilitation Centre for People of Determination in Al Qusais. The centre provides over 150 POD students with training on modern technologies. It ensures a positive innovative educational environment, increasing their knowledge, empowering them to engage in all kinds of social activities to become creative and innovative individuals.

DEWA’s Innovation Centre’s Services at Dubai Rehabilitation Centre for POD

    - Imagination corner: it supports learning through widening imagination and enhancing innovation of students through a touch screen and small interactive tablets.

    - The small innovator corner: it includes tools and devices that makes free learning easier to develop the students’ motor skills through making simplified robot modules, geometric shapes and architectural models.

    - Solar energy corner: it connects the environmental concepts with the students’ life through a group of environmental tools to generate electricity such as (electric house, electric fan, electric vehicle).

    - Robot corner: it includes various mobile robots that can be assembled such as (crane, truck, automatic car). The students assemble the plastic pieces to make the robot based on booklets or using computers.

    - New Robot corner: it is a half meter progammable robot that uses simple language, it can walk, move, and speak according to its programme.

    - Three-dimension printing corner: this is the heart of the lab. It has two 3D printers that can print anything in the mind of POD students by scanning models like cups, toys, fruit etc..

The impact of the support provided to the Centre

    - Economic impact: sustainability of education innovative sources in the centre.

    - Social impact: improving education quality in POD centres through providing innovative learning tools that meet the education needs of students.

    - Strategic impact: to support the Dubai Strategy for the People of Determination 2020.

DEWA’s Innovation Centre at the Dubai Rehabilitation Centre for People of Determination received the UAE Ideas Award for promoting voluntary and humanitarian work at the 6th UAE Ideas Conference & Award.

Sponsoring innovation through DEWA’s main events

Sponsoring innovation through DEWA’s main events

A) DEWA organised its “Forum for Happiness and Integration of People of Determination” on the Arab Day for People with Disability with participation of 16 government organisations to show their products, talents and ideas at DEWA’s tent.

B) DEWA encourages POD to launch their innovative ideas, it also supports them to implement their practical ideas. DEWA organised a youth circle for POD. POD from other government organisations and senior managers participated to commemorate the role of the late Founding Father Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, in supporting POD and to create ideas to continue the late Sheikh Zayed’s giving journey. DEWA honoured the participants. Some 46 DEWA employees also attended.

Enhance the experience of POD customers and involving them to innovate and develop smart services

Enhance the experience of POD customers and involving them to innovate and develop smart services

DEWA is organising ongoing focus groups of POD customers and employees to develop DEWA’s services for POD, including:

    (1) Studying customer experience according to the type of disability and different needs of People of Determination, and enhancing mechanisms and initiatives for ease of access to services for each disability.

    ( 2) DEWA booklets in Braille are available in Customer Happiness Centres

    (3) Priority in service, and dedicated waiting areas suitable for People of Determination.

    (4) videos about Dewa services in sign language

    ( 5) Wheelchairs at Customer Happiness Centres

    ( 6) Emergency evacuation chairs at Customer Happiness Centres.

    (7) Tactile audio map with voice notification and directional tactile paving for customer with visual impairment.

    (8 ) The colour of the website may be changed to suit customers who have color blindness.

    (9 )The font can be enlarged to facilitate reading for the visually-impaired.

    (10 ) An accessibility feature and image description to help People of Determination customers get information on an image by clicking on it.

    (11 )A shortcut feature that reduces texts and facilitates navigation between web pages.

    (12 ) Detailed explanation and alternative texts in DEWA’s videos.